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Feature Members who have just joined up:


Age 52 From Seattle, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (2011 Miles Away)

Love to suck fuck get fucked eat some hot ass love to PNP WITH OTHER HOT GUYS WHO HAVE A HOT HARD COCK

I am cool men very direct

Age 52 From Sammamish, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (1995 Miles Away)

I am cool very direct Sammamih I am top eye blue love sex

I'm ready to take care of you.

Age 55 From Walla Walla, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (1818 Miles Away)

I'm awesome all around. Love everyone. Open minded. And yes I would like to have ltr. But start slow is fine. I love outdoors,indoors,theatre or t.v with you. I'm tired of searching on here,next guy that actually messages me and gets thru,I'm going...

sub for a KING

Age 40 From Brier, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (2006 Miles Away)

33yo sub looking to serve.

Lookin for a kinky Dom top to pound me.

Age 45 From Seattle, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (2008 Miles Away)

Adventurous in bed. LIKE to try new things to push my boundaries.

Horny Bottom

Age 54 From Federal Way, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (2005 Miles Away)

I am 43 yrs 5:8 160 pounds brown hair,blue eye's, 7 inches, i'm a bottom I love to get fucked,and worship cock, and be your slave)))

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