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Newest Members who have just signed up:

My name is David. See & feel u inside me

Age 26 From Hellertown, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (406 Miles Away)

Completely new and never experienced anything with BDSM or another guy. I do know different relationships in bdsm have their"bottom"-like positions and I want to be used in them all please. If you/ you and any number of others want it cum in get it...

Inexperienced bottom for training please

Age 39 From Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (405 Miles Away)

Looking for master/daddy/sir to obey. Want oral and anal training. Also wanna be tied up, gagged, choked, double teamed and wanna swallow cum and try fisting. Do have some limits but not many, also have a rpe fantasy…would need to prty to get in the...

Are you a crossdressing sissy slave?

Age 49 From Carbondale, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (408 Miles Away)

I'm a strict Dom looking for a submissive Sissy CD for slave training, bondage, discipline, CBT and old fashioned corporal punishment. Ropes, paddles, canes, and humblers provided at no additional cost

Tied up for your pleasure

Age 49 From Phoenixville, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (394 Miles Away)

Looking for partners that wants to tie me up in many different positions. I'm into roleplaying movie group. Looking for partners to have fun with me. For thier pleasure. Like to be tied up and edged. And used

Hmu let's fuck

Age 48 From Sacramento, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (339 Miles Away)

H njgv high. Ffg huh. Iih. High kkhb hhh egg

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