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Looking for older nearby sub
Age 22 From Zachary, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (789 Miles Away)
Horny master looking for older sub nearby to use and abuse
Chinese boy
Age 35 From Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (803 Miles Away)
I'm Chinese boy in baton rouge now i open minded Smooth skin it's tight ass
Country Raised in Business attire
Age 55 From Walker, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (788 Miles Away)
Laid back average Joe next door.......not into drama or drugs or anything unhealthy......not into over weight individuals or fem twinks.... no offense just a preference........looking for down to earth honest individuals to chat with and possibly see...
Vers in BR
Age 43 From Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (805 Miles Away)
if you want to know anything just ask...into having fun so if you think you can accomplish that hit me up
dom guy that like to submit on occassion
Age 51 From Metairie, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (799 Miles Away)
I like to tie my boiz up and have my way with them, but sometimes the shoe gets put on the other foot
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