Featuring: Gay Bondage Gentilly Louisiana - Signup to Our Free Dating Website Now!
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Newest Members that have just signed up:
I haven't had any dick in a long time
Age 37 From Port Allen, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (632 Miles Away)
Dark skin 5'9 with a fat juice ass top black man want some good Dick
I’m a bottom virgin looking to have fun
Age 20 From Lafayette, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (622 Miles Away)
I’m a very Kinky bottom have really no limits that’s about it
I'm a male slave looking for a master
Age 36 From Morgan City, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (679 Miles Away)
I'm 33, submissive and ready to serve and obey a dom
Age 27 From New Orleans, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (703 Miles Away)
Seeking a sadistic male to torture me. Tie me up, teach me bdsm
C'mon guys I'm new at this. Help me out
Age 53 From Lake Charles, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (588 Miles Away)
Looking for someone who will understand that I'm new to this and will work with me on every thing. Always heard patience was a virtue. Well being patient with me will bring a damn good ending
Country Raised in Business attire
Age 55 From Walker, Louisiana
- Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (645 Miles Away)
Laid back average Joe next door.......not into drama or drugs or anything unhealthy......not into over weight individuals or fem twinks.... no offense just a preference........looking for down to earth honest individuals to chat with and possibly see...
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