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Sexy 50s friendly

Age 53 From New York, New York - Online 1 week ago
Man Seeking Man (478 Miles Away)

59 5’10 175 brown hair green eyes. Retired living in Chelsea NYC condo. Artist and musician MA in music. LTR oriented

Need to find a master for my eager boy

Age 49 From Beechhurst, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (487 Miles Away)

Looking to find a master for my bf of 13 years. He has the urge/desire to be a sub for the right man. I myself don't know anything about the scene. He says that he belongs worshipping a bbc and between a black man's legs is where he is supposed to...

Masculine, muscular well educated.

Age 52 From New York, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (480 Miles Away)

Masculine, muscular, well educated (Ph.D) Professional. Seeks older dom gentleman.

As you can iv been trying to go chaned

Age 53 From Cleveland, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (431 Miles Away)

Well we can say that put a collar on it so he or she can get me to go anywhere with them just give it a tug he will do whatever you want if you want him to fuck you got to take the coller off but keep the chan on his balls or something else he will...

Open for everything

Age 39 From Brooklyn, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (479 Miles Away)

I'm easygoing, friendly, very affectionate, intelligent and diverse. Also very empathetic towards people and animals, sense of humor! I like Classic Rock, Metal & Hard rock, I also enjoy reading novels, video games old and new, and watching movies at...

New and looking to be broken in

Age 23 From New York, New York - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (477 Miles Away)

I am a geek. I admit it. I am also indecisive. But I do have a great sense of humor. Loyal, caring, and supportive. I'm looking for a cocky guy who likes to get verbal and rough...

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