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Feature Members who have just joined up:

I'm good looking like to have fun

Age 44 From Austin, Pennsylvania - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking Man (285 Miles Away)

Beautiful top I can do some good things I have fun with me we have sex for 2 days I'll make it for 8 days

looking for some cool guys

Age 24 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (413 Miles Away)

Slave boy here looking for a good master

Iwant service older suck your cock

Age 54 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (415 Miles Away)

I'm looking for an older man Grandpa type so I can suck in service him I live in Philadelphia cannot entertain but I can come over please call me I'm serious I need t suck your cock service you all night I'll come over tonight

In need of good friends and good times

Age 45 From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (159 Miles Away)

I am high energy positive outlook optimistic guy who is in need of good times (not necessarily sexual) I have a liking for the mysterious an macabe.I love the outdoors, being nude, music,warm nights and sunny days.Interesting ppl and...

Kinky big tight bottom to stretch

Age 47 From Ardmore, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (407 Miles Away)

Kinky exploring evolving body shaven bear. I workout and like to keep the bottom bouncy and tight. Bi bottom like the feminine top types most but got love for masculine daddy's and kinkster too

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