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Newest Members that have just joined up:

looking for some cool guys

Age 24 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (413 Miles Away)

Slave boy here looking for a good master

Orally fixated with insatiable appetite

Age 49 From Ashland, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (355 Miles Away)

I have an oral fixation and absolutely love to suck juicy cock!

I want to meat a real tough guys

Age 50 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (415 Miles Away)

i am open to new things/ mild to wild as long as i am naked.

So horny to be a fun naughty bottom!!

Age 43 From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (411 Miles Away)

I would love watching your dick get hard as you repeatedly bury a large douche toy deep inside my asshole and empty with a slow squeeze. Fill my horny belly with all of that warm water while you have your hard cock down my throat!!

Im I'm on bottom you be a top

Age 53 From Sunbury, Pennsylvania - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (332 Miles Away)

I'm scaring trust me I'm meaning heart of Gold

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