Featuring: Gay Bondage East York Ontario - Join Our Free Singles Site Now!

Gay Bondage East York Ontario - Contact them for Free!

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Featured Gay Bondage Profiles Near You

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Feature Members that have just joined up:

Seeking a Master

Age 45 From London, Ontario - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (227 Miles Away)

42 years old. London, Ontario Seeking Master

Looking for mild play at your place

Age 44 From Scarborough, Ontario - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (325 Miles Away)

Bigger guy with a small desire to try some role play.

Goalie pup

Age 46 From Toronto, Ontario - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (319 Miles Away)

Pup with a hockey gear fettish looking for a master to gear him up, tie him up and use him as he pleases.

Looking for Guys to Spank (18-30)

Age 41 From Mississauga, Ontario - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (301 Miles Away)

Easygoing and open-minded. I'm open to pretty much anything as well but I'm more of a dominant type.

Best Chat room for Gay Bondage East York Ontario!

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