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Latest Members that have just signed up:

Looking to have new experience and a dam

Age 41 From Monroe, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (721 Miles Away)

Im happy to be here and hopefully even more ecstatic to get fucked

Straight ,but curious. Ready to have fun

Age 34 From Rayne, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (851 Miles Away)

Looking to have my first experience with a nice sexy guy. Can't wait to meet you so hit me up!

just here to see what's out there

Age 53 From Houma, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (839 Miles Away)

hard worker. and good at what i do. I'm 5' 9". 140 lbs. short brown hair, and hazel eyes

Looking for versitile sub

Age 42 From Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (803 Miles Away)

I'm 6', 330, sort of hairy,uncut, pierced and tattoos. I'm a 8-5 professional, and married. We're open and poly - she knows I'm bi and looking for a partner and supports me. I love movies, music, and games - I'd consider myself a geek more than...

Eager Sub Slave

Age 45 From Zachary, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (789 Miles Away)

The headline says it all really. I like to submit and be used.

fun college guy looking

Age 39 From Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Man Seeking Man (805 Miles Away)

i'm a good looking, young, college guy who's looking to find a younger guy that will let me tie him up and have some fun. safe, sane, and all limits respected

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