At 10 I wanted to be a girl

Возраст 71 из Blacksburg, Virginia Онлайн Более 2 недель назад

Мужчина (Саб) Ищу Мужчину

Базовая информация Расскажите о себе.
  • Имя James
  • Говорю на языках: Английский
  • Я бы описал(а) себя как Well I will try not to by unkind in my response to this question. I am looking for an Alpha Male who can pull together an organization where he is one of several men at the top that all others derive their rights from and to whom all subordinate owe a blood oath to carry out the responsibilities that have been assigned to them. That said he will be my Master and in all aspects I am to be his slave in all matters including the sexual services that I am responsible to render unto him and all others that he tells me to. So if he tells me to come closer to him and he gives me a hard slap on the cheek and then tells me to kneel in front of him right there so that I can suck him off right there where everyone there can see us, I will without hesitation, kneel, unzip his pants, pull his cock out of his pants, kiss the head of it, lick any precum from the pee hole in the tip of his dick, then start to do face-dives on his cock, taking his entire cock into my mouth from the head to the base of his cock-shaft, right above the sack where his testicles are, there I start to rotate my head and mouth back and forth around the shaft and start to lick his ball sack, rotating my head around the shaft does not make the blowjob feel any better, but a very important thing that every personal servant learns early on is that the fact that rotation makes the use of his tongue on his bosses ball sack while he still has all of his boss: cock shaft and the head still in his mouth and throat; the reason for the rotation is so both his boss and the others within sight lines can see that he will go to the most challenging degree imaginable to serve his boss in every manner that he can and in this sexual service that part of the sexual release that his boss feels will be in part because of the efforts that he put forth and he knows that his boss will not forget that he always puts forth that level of effort.
  • Знак зодиака Лев
Внешность и семейное положение Каково Ваше положение на настоящий момент? Опишите свою внешность.
  • Телосложение Пара лишних кг
  • Мой рост 169 см
  • Мои глаза Коричневые
  • Моя этническая принадлежность Белый европеец/кавказец
  • Семейное положение Живем раздельно
  • У меня есть дети Да - живут с другим родителем
  • Хочу детей Нет
  • Привлекательная часть тела Улыбка
  • Боди-арт Даже и не думаю об этом
  • Мои волосы Серый
  • Домашние животные Кошка
  • Хочу переехать Да
Статус Чем Вы занимаетесь?
  • Образование Средне-специальное
  • Работа/Учеба: Без работы
  • Род занятий Администрация/Менеджмент
  • Род занятий In-House Accountant
  • Зарабатываю в год от $75,000USD до $99,999USD
  • Живу Один/одна
  • Дома Иногда приходят друзья
  • Отношение к курению Нет
  • Пью Да - один или два раза
Характер Как Вы ведете себя? Каковы Ваши предпочтения?
  • В школе я был(а): Отверженный
  • Мое социальное поведение Вульгарное, Шумное, Сама дружелюбность, Комедийное, Свободное, Мрачное
  • Интересы и увлечения: Чтение, Учеба, ТВ, Фильмы
  • Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени Останусь дома, Фильмы, Расслабление, Спать, Чтение книг, Игра в переодевания, ТВ, Пойду в музей
  • Идеально первое свидание I have released myself from the repressing of my submissive and feminine desires, so I want to and most likely will set my sights on getting myself into very sexual exciting lingerie, makeup that I hope he will not be able to take his eyes off of, a modern perfume but still one that has a oriental spice base with floral top notes, then in a manner that is at once gentle and subtle, but also similar to the manner that Joe.Fraiser used to half, them quarter, then corner his opponent in the ring before delivering mortifying boxing punches to his opponent's stomach, sternum, & head. My objective in this mission is to make that Alpha Male start to Love me both physically and emotionally. And then to show him that I aim to make him see and feel that he has no choice going forward then to Love me intellectually & to realize that I am ss dedicated to him as he is to himself and that any attempt to move forward withouy me would not only be futile but also very costly because I am possibly the most valuable asset that the Company has. Perfect and Period!
  • Я всегда хотел попробовать Dressing up in as beautiful clothes, makeupa & perfume then in sweetest speaking style and body language of Audrey Hepburn steal your heart without you even knowing it. Oh and of course I would perform of those base and vile sex acts but I would most likely have slipped you a mickey so that you would even remember them. The life of a lady of position is fraught with more slight of hand than that of a street magician!. 💋
  • Друзья считают что я: Сама дружелюбность, Крутой, Идеал
Взгляды Убеждения
  • Моя религия Не поддерживаю религии
  • Посещение служб: Раз в неделю
  • Моя цель в жизни To ring the bell as I walk through the pearly gates.imto heaven so that am Angel will get it's wings. As for what I achieve while I am here well that's going to take a village
  • Мой юмор Казарменный, Умный, Сарказм, Сама дружелюбность, Немного "того", Со странностями, Фарс, Вульгарный(ая)
Вкусы Что Вам нравится?
  • По телевизору, я всегда смотрю Документальное кино, Драма, Ситкомы, Фильмы
  • Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов: Экшн, Научная фантастика, Комедии, Мелодрамы, Драмы, Семья
  • Предпочитаемая музыка Кантри, Рок, Поп, Классика, Блюз, Джаз, Танцевальная, Душевная
  • Я люблю читать: Классика, Фантазия, Художественная литература, Тайна, Поэзия, Сатира, Научная фантастика, Я не люблю читать, Мелодрамы
  • Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения Developing the philosophical arguments inside of my head that possibly explain why I am running headlong into performing physical acts of love to excess when the emotional and intellectual aspects of love are really far more important to me.
В поиске Что Вы ищите в своем человеке?
  • Считаю привлекательным: Остроумие, Кокетство, Спонтанность, Смелость, Чувствительность, Сопереживание, Юмор, Красота, Внимание, Интеллект
  • Что и кого ищете? A character with the shill and wit of the French swordsmanship that insulted his opponents while making them look the fool at sword fighting and who also has the interests of a beautiful young lady but whom is less than half of his age.
  • Ищу отношения типа: Интим, Серьезные отношения

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